Sunday, October 12, 2014

CAT #2 Brian Crosby

"Sometimes You Feel Like You Have Not Even A Remote Idea Of What's Going On!"
This teacher had given a presentation at a school district's Professional Development day. He set up early and also started a little early since the room was full. He was doing great and had people laughing. However, after a while he noticed he slides were changing on their own, every 15 seconds or so. He though he was holding the remote to tight, he was alright for a little while until it started happening again, so he turned off his remote and he used his arrows on the keyboard. Finally, he was back in sync and had the room's attention again. All the sudden it started again, the only thing he could do was plow ahead. When his presentation was over, he met with other presenters. Come to find out everyone had the same problem during the presentations. They were each changing the others slides. 

My first comment is "Hello,
My name is Jennifer Parker. I attend the University of South Alabama and am in the EDM 310 class. I was wondering if you found a way to prevent this from happening again? I’m sure some found it funny while others found it frustrating. I’m wanting to teach Kindergarten, so I’m not sure if this will help me. However, I would love to know how to avoid this in the future. Also I was wondering how your presentation went when you had to plow ahead? Did you keep the interest of the people in the room?"

Brian's Response: 
"Hi Jennifer – 1st, yes the presentation actually went well … it was a bit frustrating, but folks had a bit of a laugh and saw that even someone that is supposed to have some level of tech savvy-ness can at times struggle. And the issues mostly happened far enough apart that the content was understandable.
Now that I know it was an issue of other remotes, I’d just turn off the remote and remove the reader you plug into your computer to make it work and just use the controls on my laptop to run the presentation. Hope that helps."

My second response:
 Thank you for your response. This did help. I'm still new to some of this technology, but thank you for telling me how you avoid this problem. Hopefully by the time I graduate I will know how to work all programs."

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